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সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | Over 40k heatstroke cases, 110 heatwave deaths reported in India; MP, Delhi worst affected

Porni Banerjee | ২০ জুন ২০২৪ ১৬ : ৪৭Porni Banerjee

As unrelenting heatwave continues to grapple most parts of the country, over 40,000 cases of suspected heatstroke and deaths of 110 people were reported between March 1 and June 18, health ministry data revealed on Thursday.

Madhya Pradesh and Delhi are the worst-hit states owing to prolonged heatwave spell. MP alone countered more than 5,200 such cases so far, whereas 4,300 heat-related cases were reported in Rajasthan.

Meanwhile, 20 people and 14 of them succumbed to heat-related stress in the national capital and adjoining Noida respectively. Again, data by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) showed that 36 people have died in Uttar Pradesh.  

Continuous spike of heat-related cases and fatalities across northern and eastern states have prompted the Centre to issue advisory to hospital authorities improve health infrastructure and cater to such patients with “immediate attention.”

“The country may observe above normal seasonal maximum temperatures in-line with the observed trend of summertime temperatures. To reduce health impacts of extreme heat, health departments must ensure preparedness and timely response,” the union health ministry said.

The heat-related stress has aggravated over the years due to human-driven activities. Most North Indian states are the worst affected, with temperatures touching almost 52 degrees Celsius.  

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06 24